
Building resilience among smallholder farmers in the face of Covid – 19 – ANCP Program in Mozambique

Agriculture is the main economic activity in Mozam- bique. Smallholder farmers account for the 95% of agricultural production. Difficult access to credit and markets, low use of improved inputs and the domi- nance of rain-fed agriculture make the sector vulnera- ble to shocks.

It is within this context that United Purpose in part- nership with AOP directly supports 671 small-scale famers with agricultural inputs and training to improve knowledge on integrated soil management practice, as to help farmers produce for their liveli- hood, and sell the surpluses of their production to meet other household needs. The program “Improv- ing food security, nutrition, income and subsistence for small farmers in Mozambique”, covers 15 farmers’ associations and is implemented in the Matutuine, Macate and Sussundenga districts.

Download: Case Study Open Prisons Matutuine COVID 19

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